33 AD • 754 • 1978 • 2008

Organization in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 2019

The foundation of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church

The United Roman-Ruthenian Church, Inc. (URRC, Inc.) (formerly known as the Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church, Inc. (ARRCC, Inc.))
an international service foundation and corporation  dedicated to helping others, without regard to who they are.
It is the
foundation of the autocephalous United Roman-Ruthenian Church (Apostolic See of Sts. Stephen and Mark),
and its primary constituent jurisdictions,
the Diocese and Catholicate of Rome-Ruthenia.
Every year the URCC, Inc., its temporal wing, the Stato Pontificio Imperiale di Roma-Rutenia, and
its humanitarian wing, the Pontifical Wasingham Guard,
and its other affiliated organisations
provide significant amounts
of time and resources in service to others. The foundation promotes
focus on the needs of others rather than reward.

United Roman-Ruthenian Church and Apostolic See

Catholicate of Rome-Ruthenia

Pontifical Georgian College

World Indigenous Peoples' Day
(Official Holiday Established by the United Roman-Ruthenian Church.)



Site managed by the Directorate of Public Affairs, Pontifical Secretariat.

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All Rights Reserved. See legal notices here.